Mental Aspects
of Wrestling

MWC Skills Documentation
Minimum Skills K-1st
Minimum Skills 2nd-3rd
Minimum Skills 4th-5th
Minimum Skills 6th, 7th, 8th
Basic Skills Demonstrations
1. Stance
2. Post Up Setup
3. Wrist Control Setup
4. Penetration Step
5. Double Leg Take Down
6. Single Leg Take Down
7. Sprawl Defense
8. Quarter Nelson
9. Bottom Base
10. Standing Up
11. Counter to a Half Nelson
12. Belly to Base
13. Bridging Back to Base
14. Top Position
15. Far Knee-Ankle
17. Hooks
18. Counter Standup
19. Half Nelson
20. Locked Hands
21. Full Nelson – ILLEGAL
Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the Exhilaration of Victory.
Additional Information
Grizzly Point
Advanced Skills
Strength Training
Summer Training Tip
Why Wrestlers Should Try Freestyle & Greco