Minimum Skills 2nd-3rd

2nd – 3rd grade Mukwonago Wrestling Club Minimum Skills

In order better prepare and ensure our Club wrestlers are ready to wrestle in tournaments we are requiring each wrestler to pass a minimum skills test. We have developed a ladder of skills provide a visible scale of improvement. Before entering competition wrestlers we will be tested on those skills based on his age level. Wrestling tournament competition carries with it lots of pressure for the unprepared wrestlers. We have lost in the past members due to an unprepared entry into tournament competition? Wrestler isn’t having fun when you get pounded in his first few wrestling experiences. Almost as bad, is a kid winning on poor technique, therefore discouraging the development of proper skills. All MWC wrestlers must pass his Age-Level set of minimum skills test to earn their MWC singlet to wrestle in tournaments.

Most skills have been video-taped and are on our web site.

Basic Skills test:

(Feet) Proper stance, movement.

  • Demonstrate good low Stance and Movement (forward, back, sideways)  lead leg should have  same side hand down (body should be low enough to touch mat at any time)


Set-ups (beat the hands)

  • Demonstrate a “Post set-up” when opponent reaches for you catch elbows,  lower level
  • Demonstrate “Inside Tie” Secure opponents biceps, ability to push, pull and turn opponent.

Leg attacks -Takedowns

  • Demonstrate a Good Take down Penetration (lower level, “” Step 6-12 inches, “Toe” Drive hips forward, Knee ” hips and chest should be touching opponent)
  • Demonstrate Double leg takedown- combine above setups with -Penetration step between legs, head outside, kick stand outside foot, and finish on feet running through opponent’s hips.
  • Demonstrate a high Single leg takedown- combine with inside tie setup; Move opponent, get them to step with the leg you want to attack. step outside leg, head inside, drive forward finish with treetop or dump)


Takedown counters

  • Demonstrate your sprawl skills (down block, kick feet back, weight on opponent, catch 1 hand on head & other on elbow, spin behind)
  • Demonstrate Front Head lock to go behind – (kick feet back, weight on opponent, 1 hand on chin,  other hand on arm pit, pull forward ( keeping on toes) spin behind, drive through hips.

(Bottom Position) Escapes and Reversals

  • Demonstrate good bottom base (Butt all the way down, head up, weight off hands. Elbows in slightly bent.)
  • Demonstrate Stand-Up (Get 4-finger control, drive back, head and shoulders up, post inside foot, push back to feet, push opponents hand  to your hip, back step out, finish in stance)
  • Demonstrate the Counter from a 1/2 Nelson (head look up and away from half, post hand on mat, push your head away & up) also can bring knee that away from opponent to help post.
  • Demonstrate Belly to Base (bring opposite knee up, pivot over knee back to base)
  • Demonstrate Bridging (post feet on mat, arch on feet & top of head, hip hoist to belly)


(Top Position) Breakdowns / Rides /Pinning combinations

  • Demonstrate good Top base (right leg behind opponents butt, left knee down by ankle, left hand on opponents elbow, last- right hand on bellybutton
  • Demonstrate Far Knee/far Ankle breakdown (move belly hand to ankle, move elbow hand to knee, drive sideways with chest, collapsing the hips, ideally finish to 1/2 nelson)
  • Demonstrate Hooks- ride with weight straight behind opponent on small on back to start. Force weight on opponent’s hands. Drive forward (hooks can be in thighs, or arm pits, or spiral with half.
  • Demonstrate Counter to the Stand-Up – Lock hands, step in front, (lift with hips in/ driving legs up, return opponent to mat) Unlock hands.
  • Demonstrate 1/2 Nelson (elbow deep) and Near Side Cradle (experienced wrestlers)


  • Demonstrate illegal Locked Hands, and Full Nelson penalties