We would like to welcome you to the MWC website. The Mukwonago Wrestling Club is a non-profit 100% volunteer organization governed by a set of Articles & Bi Laws and elects a board of directors to guide the club in day to day tasks. We provide wrestling training to kindergarten through 8th grade students for boys and girls that want to learn and develop in the sport.
WEB site information is now OPEN to register for the 2024-25 season.
We will be holding 2 in-person parent meetings.
Mukwonago High School – Lecture Hall SB Rm 42
Oct 1st for parents with wrestlers 4th grade – 8th grade. 6:30pm-7:30pm (be early)
Mukwonago High School – Lecture Hall SB Rm 42
Oct 2nd for parents with wrestlers K – 3rd grfade. 6:30pm-7:30pm (be early) (only need to attend 1 o the 2 meetings, can swap if you are unable to make your meeting)
Practices begin the 1st week in December
Freestyle/Greco (Olympic)
(April-May) Our Freestyle/Greco (Olympic) season begins the 1st week in Apr. and concludes with a state tournament in the beginning of May.
FOLKSTYLE Practice Schedule
K – 1st grade (ends Fed 20th -MIniGrizzly)
- Tuesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM
- Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 PM
2nd – 3rd grade (ends Mar 19th -MIniGrizzly)
- Monday 6:00 to 7:00 PM
- Wednesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM
4th – 5th graders (ends Mar 30TH)
- Tuesday 7:05 to 8:20 PM
- Thursday 7:05 to 8:20 PM
6th – 8th graders ends Mar 30TH)
Monday 7:05 to 8:30 PM
Wednesday (mindset 6:10-7pm ) Practice 7:05 to 8:30 PM
Friday (optional strength /conditioning 5:15pm-5:45) Practice is 6 to 7:15 PM
Freestyle/Greco Practice Schedule
Birthyears 2012 and Older
- Monday 6:00 to 7:30 PM
- Wednesday 6:00 to 7:30 PM
- Friday 6:00 to 7:15pm
Birthyears 2013-2016
- Tuesday 6:00 to 7:30 PM
- Thursday 6:00 to 7:30 PM
Upcoming Events
February 2025 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
The Mukwonago Wrestling Club is guided both by the state organization Wisconsin Wrestling Federation and the national organization USA Wrestling. We are dedicated to fostering, promoting and encouraging the sport of wrestling in the Mukwonago community, by providing the opportunities for its members to get introduced and compete in our great sport and to be a model club among Wisconsin best sanctioned Wrestling Clubs.
Mukwonago Wrestling Club strives to build more then good wrestlers, we strive to build better athletes and community leaders.
The simple goal of the Mukwonago Wrestling Club is to introduce your child to the sport. We want your child to have a fun and positive experience. Like most athletic activities, we will emphasize the fundamentals of the sport, including the basic for the younger group and older group along with advanced skills targeted for the more experienced wrestlers. We accomplish this through drills and technique provided by our trained coaching staff.
You don’t demand respect, you earn it.
We focus on both the mental aspect as well as the physical. We work to keep a balance between these to provide the most we can for each child. We do this through positive reinforcement as well as mental training ( Mindset training for older group ) when we can provide it.
We take pride in our club as it is a reflection of us. As such there are many things we accomplish to get where we are today. With all that hard work comes some failures, but more successes.
One achievement we are very proud of is our board and our coaching staff. All our coaches and board member have to go through Safe Sport Training and a background check which allows us to be prepared for situation and also provides a safe environment for your child to grow in. Along with the safesport and background check all our coaches have to be Bronze Certified by USA Wrestling.

This club was established 1983 and has worked hard to earn its position in the state. Since being founded we have been rated a top 50 club by USA Wrestling, (Last year we were the !3th biggest club in the nation, and the Top Community Club in the State of Wisconsin) along with molding many state champions and developed many young men.
We have also competed at many tournaments. Feel free to take a look at some of our Team Trophies.
Club Tournaments
We provide representation at one tournament a weekend which will be identified and communicated throughout the year. We also usually try to plan one travel tournament where we can get together out of town with a pizza party after it.
Club Awards
We provide many club awards throughout the season. These award are the following:
- Rookie of the Year: Awarded to wrestlers in their “1st year of wrestling in tournaments”. Wrestler who demonstrates basic wrestling skills in practice and in tournaments.
- Most Improved: Awarded to wrestlers who showed significant improvement from last year, or from the beginning to the end of this season, both in tournaments and practice.
- Outstanding Partner Award: This award goes to the wrestlers who attend practice relentlessly, works hard, and whose effort helped themselves and their partners become better.
- Grizzly Award: Awarded to wrestlers that work hard in practice, has a never quit attitude, has the demeanor of a Grizzly wrestler and displays other positive MWC qualities.
- Outstanding Wrestler: Awarded to wrestlers that give outstanding effort in practice and at tournaments, outstanding sportsmanship and talent, finds a way to win.
- Hall Of Fame Award: A special Award for wrestlers who wrestled in practice & tournaments with the MWC from K-8.
- Toby Ackerman Award: Toby Ackerman founded the Mukwonago Wrestling Club in 1983. This award is presented to an outstanding 8th grader, who has wrestled with the club during his elementary years. Who shows talent, leadership, sportsmanship and makes others in the practice room better.
To view who has won these awards in the past please view our history of the awards.
All these awards are also dependent on your attendance which we take each practice. We do this to demonstrate responsibility and accountability for our wrestlers.
We also provide an award for working hard throughout the year. These awards are earned through our “Grizzly Point” system. Grizzly points will be awarded for a number of things; practice attendance, attending tournaments, for pins, wins and push-ups. These points will be tallied for the Awards at our year-end celebration.
Club Activities
There are also many activities throughout the year for our club.

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
~Winston Churchill
We adopted a highway so two times a year we, as a club, clean up the road that we have adopted (High I between EE and Sugden Rd). This active is held over the summer allowing us to get together in the off season.

Every year we have a “Pizza Making” day. This day is for the parents and some of the older children to get together and assist in the making of pizzas from our fundraiser. The last few years we have made over 2000 pizzas and create many new friendships in the club.
We also host a “Mini Grizzly” for the 2 youngest groups. This is a fun activate at the end of the year for our younger wrestling’s. It provides them an opportunity to experience a small scale tournament with their fellow MWC wrestlers. We create a round robin bracket for fellow members, a projector to show them how to watch for where they wrestle, and a full 3 period match for each opponent. Once done each wrestler receives a medal to show their accomplishments from the tournament.
During the “Mini Grizzly” the older group will be assisting working the table giving them the opportunity to watch the younger group and give them experience in tracking points and responsible for managing the clock.
Once a year we organize a travel tournament for those who would like to come. We try to pick a tournament in a more remote location (Green Bay / Dells) and book a block of rooms for a hotel with a pool. This gives us chance to get to know some of our fellow members and build a bond between our wrestling families.

One of the largest activities we do is host a well renowned wrestling tournament “GRIZZLY OPEN”at Mukwonago High School. This tournament is a lot of work and as a club we have developed a positive experience for the over 600 wrestlers that we have in the high school.
We also have an end of the year celebration to get together and provide the awards from the hard work your child has put in through the season. This banquet provides us a chance to look back over the season and give the coaches an opportunity to let your child know how proud they are of them.