2023 – 24 Wrestling Season Parent Meeting

Below are the documents from the Parent meetings that took place Oct. 2nd and 3rd. Please feel free to review and share.

If you could not make the meetings, you can still walk through registration by clicking the “Member Site” button. After registering, please reach out to Paul Ksobiech (president@mukwongowrestlingclub.com) and Randy Dusing (rvdusing@gmail.com).

MWC Spirt Wear is OPEN


Spiritwear is HERE!

Click the image below to see what is available. All orders are required to be put in 10-14-24 Thru 10-27-24.. This is a short window so put your orders in NOW. We are working to get your orders before Christmas.

2024 Wisconsin Badger Wrestling Camp in Mukwonago

We are really excited to have @BadgerWrestling in Mukwonago to kick off the summer from Monday, June 17th- Wednesday, June 19th 2024 in what promises to be a fantastic camp!!! OPEN to Incoming 5th grade – 12 graders.

Get signed up using this form:

Link or URL to Register:

Cost: $100

This camp will be run by the University of Wisconsin Wrestlers including Chris Bono, Jon Reader, and Seth Gross along with others each day.

Location: Mukwonago High School Wrestling Room
605 W. Veterans Way
Mukwonago, WI 53149

Dates: Monday, June 17th – Friday, June 19th 2024

Daily Schedule:
9:30am – Doors Open
10:00-11:30am – Session 1
11:30-12:00am – Lunch Break (on own)
12:00-1:30pm – Session 2
1:30-1:50pm – Drilling, Review, Live
1:50-2:00pm – Closing / Motivation / Q & A

Checks made out to “Mukwonago Wrestling Club”
Mail to: 1105 Mukwonago Dr.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Venmo: @mukwonagowrestlingclub

Annual Wrestlers M-Camp

Happy to announce that our annual 2024 Mukwonago Wrestling camp will take place Monday – Thursday the weeks of July 8-11th and July 15th-18th  12:30-2:00pm

OPEN to Incoming 4th grade – 12 graders

M-Camp 2024 Registration

The Camp will cost $60 for non-Mukwonago wrestlers. As a Grizzly the cost will be $30 (we will cover the rest).


Award Banquet 2022

Happy 2021/22 Season!

We had our end of the season banquet for wrestling this past Sunday. What a year it has been. We climbed to over 150 wrestlers, making us the 15th largest club in the United States. What an accomplishment.

This has been a huge growth year for us and it would not have been possibly without our Board members and our Coaches. I CANNOT thank these groups enough. Our board has supported and driven so many activities throughout the year. And the coaches giving up so much time during the week and also traveling around the tournaments to help the great group of wrestlers that we have.

I also have to thank all of our clubs families. We have had an outpouring of support form all of you. From the Pizza making (5000!!) to our tournament, you have been there to help make these activities happen. And in that we have been able to support and provide more to the kids.

What a turnout for the end of year even. Thank you all for coming and thank you again for the year.

All these kids have worked so hard and we are proud to give out the awards. With so many kids we are happy to post the awards on our Award History Page for all to see. Congratulations to all the kids and all there accomplishments.

We even had High School Coach Mr. Wierzbicki stop by to congratulate the 8th graders. Thank you Coach for taking the time to stop by.

Jon Wierzbicki congratulating the 8th grade wrestlers.

Thank you Sponsors – Grizzly 2022

What a GREAT day!!! Congratulations to all that wrestled and a BIG thank you to all the people who provide help to make this tournament a success!

Thank You Wrestling Families!

We would like to give a special thanks to the Mukwonago Wrestling Club supporters who sponsored a mat for the event.


MWC will have a Photo Night for all practices next week!

Photos will be taken during regular practice times Monday Jan 31st and Tuesday Feb 1st.  You will have to have the attach form filled out with payment provided that day.

Please have your child wear their singlets if they have them otherwise their practice shirts would be great.

Pizza Making Madness!

Pizza Pizza Everywhere

What an incredible turnout for our annual Pizza Making Weekend! On Saturday Dec. 18th we made a RECORD 5000 pizzas. This is by far the most pizzas we have ever made.

RECORD 5000 pizzas

5000 Pizzas in the ECO Freezer Truck

There are many groups to thank for there donation and assistance on this project. Thank you Reinhart for the supplies, ECO Inc. for the freezer semitruck, and Racine Kringle. This would not come together without your help and donations.

I want to also thank all the phenomenal volunteers that were generous enough to donate there time this weekend. We had over 80 volunteers working all day Saturday to accomplish our task.

over 2000 Kringles

Thanks you to the MWC Board members that work hard behind the scenes to make this happen as well. There is a lot of work to get everything put together, organized, and handed out in 3 days.